Know Your People:

The Audience Persona Template

What your brand says only matters if you’re absolutely clear on who you’re saying it to

You’ve worked your ass off to build an incredible business (duh), but for some reason, you just can’t get people in the (literal or metaphorical) door. Your bounce rate is bouncing, your follower count is less than great and your sales…well…what sales? What the fuck is going on?

Sounds like you’re talking to the wrong people, boo.

The truth is, no matter how good your offers are or how gorgeous your branding is, you need direct, engaging messaging to get people to care about your brand. And the only way you’re going to achieve that, is to have a clear understanding of  your target audience. The ones who need what you offer. The ones who you can benefit most. The ones who are ready and willing to pay you for the dopeness you bring to the table.

How long have you been:

  • Creating generic communications that speak to “everyone”

  • Launching incredible offers that just don’t convert

  • Unclear on what you should say

  • Attracting leads you fucking hattteeeeee

  • Watching your dream clients work with your competitors

  • Struggling to craft your brand messaging

  • Rebranding and rewriting, only to be disappointed when you don't get the results you hoped for

 It’s time to start talking to your people

Your brand starts and ends with an understanding of your target audience. And what you do and how you do it, is only effective if you really understand who you're doing it for.

Know Your People is an audience persona template that provides you the space to explore and build your dream audience personas, just like we do.  This template will prompt you to create comprehensive personas, comprised of demographics, psychographics, pain points, pleasure points, objectives and benefits and will leave you with a persona guide that will empower you to create messaging, offers and other brand elements that speak directly to the people who you fuck with.


Here’s what it’s like to actually understand your people:

  • Your offers get clearer. When you know your people, you know what they need and what they don’t. So you start creating offers that deliver on those needs, and stop creating offers that don't.

  • Your messaging is more effective. You understand what your audience’s problems and goals are, which means you can speak directly to them. You understand how to overcome their objections, ease their worries, address their questions–to the point where they feel like you’re reading their minds.

  • Your leads feel aligned. You ever get off a discovery call and just know it was a total waste of your time because you’d never actually work with that person? Well, those calls should virtually disappear, because understanding your audience means fewer opportunities for unaligned leads to feel targeted by your brand and its messaging.

  • You make more intentional branding decisions. When you understand your audience, you can make smarter decisions about brand colors, brand typefaces, brand photography, logos and other branding elements, because you’re more clear on what will and won't resonate with them.

  • Your marketing efforts are more focused. If your audience does not spend time on Tik Tok, why would you spend hours crafting content for a Tik Tok account? You wouldn’t. That’s why understanding your audience means being able to get waaaaaaay more focused in your marketing. You’ll be able to narrow down your content pillars and decide what platforms are worth investing time and money on.

And so much more



  • For now, yes, the template is only accessible and editable on Canva.

  • Yes, however, target audience research takes time. And while we can review what you’ve created and provide guidance for making it better, we cannot conduct complete audience research during our DIY and done-with-you services.

  • Audience research is complicated and nuanced, so this template does not teach you all the elements of it. We do, however, provide tips to help you get started with conducting your target audience research.

  • That’s a no from us, dawg. This template is intended to help you build your own audience persona guide. Duplicating this and selling it as your own is defffffffffff plagiarism.